what an awful few weeks you have had, take the time to rest and get strong again, and when you do keep pushing the doctors, you have a special angel watching over you now, he may guide them to the problem, thinking of you and hoping you are ok
Oh, Sirius... got those tears in my eyes reading about the funeral and especially the hawk. What a gift! Both in the message you received and in sharing it with us. I'm glad it brought you peace. I hope you have a laptop so you can check in with us while you are on bed rest. Do, please... take care of yourself and let others help you out and support you through this. Good for you following up with your doctor... that's not always easy to do. Just a thought, but have you learned how to do the box breathing and relaxation exercises? Maybe it will help. Hard to start, but helpful in calming the heart and mind....
Well, I am back from the funeral. It went better than I thought it would. My dad had a lot of people that loved him and they came up and told really funny stories about him and instead of crying, we all laughed the whole time. He was quite the joker his whole life and loved to be the clown, so there were plenty of funny stories. At the cemetary, there was a huge hawk circling his grave. I believe it was a message that everything is ok. He would have said it was "good medicine." It brought me some peace to see it circling.
The dr told me that I had to take a week of relaxation after the procedure. I haven't had more than a few hours at a time to do that though because of all of this. So, now that this is done, I am under orders by my husband to stay in bed and do nothing for the next couple of days. My heart is still fluttering though, so I called the cardiologist and he thinks I have just over done things because I have been under so much stress with the procedure and the emotional stress of the funeral. He told me now that the funeral is over, he wants me to do nothing for the next couple of days and to just lay back and relax. Kind of hard to do when your heart is in your throat! But, that's the plan. I just have to keep reminding myself this is not dangerous, just annoying. ARGH I wish they had found that pathway and fixed it while I was there doing the procedure!! I am so tired of living with this. Maybe the medication will help once they tweak it to the right dosage.
In one word yes. Lorazepam has a one hour half life and is out of your system in four. so one is not going to cover you for very long. If you are going to use it to get through this you will have to take more than one in the time frame you are looking at. This is what this drug is for, short term use to get through a crisis. All this information is available through your doctor or med sites. You can take up to four in a 24 hour period but not for more than four weeks. this too is information the doctor that prescribed it should have told you.
As for your stomach, Avoid spicy oily dressings, Fries are covered in corn flour and are greasier than they look and the volatile oils in coffee will all work to irritate your stomach. There really is not much in fast food that you can safely eat, even soup usually is oily and over spiced. Toast with peanut butter might be. Peanut butter digests slow and doesn't give you a sugar high. Oh and eggs, an omelette would probably be okay.
I use a beta blocker for the skip, which is harmless just annoying. Atenolol works to reduce blood pressure also. If your blood pressure is okay then propranolol works better to get rid of the stomach knots. Musicians use it for stage fright, and surgeons use it for hand tremors. I have used it but it did not lower my BP enough.
On the mental side. You only have to do this once, keep that in mind and know we are there with you.
This must be a very stressful time for you and I can understand how your anxiety about your situation in adding to the difficulty of your father passing away.
It sounds that you have a good plan but may I suggest calling the cardiologist if your symptoms worsen (as you were directed). Also have something healthy to eat before you leave to avoid any stomach associated triggers.
So I had my EP Study, which is where they go into your arteries and into your heart and they can make a 3d image of your heart and see every aspect of how it beats while they pump it full of adrenaline. I have a documented superventricular tachycardia (svt) and the purpose of doing this was to find the pathway my heart's electrical currents are short circuiting so they could fix it. Naturally, they couldn't find it - always the answer I get about this it seems. The surgeon (heart specialist whom has won national awards on this kind of thing) told me I have the heart of a 15 year old and it is incredibly strong. They put me on beta blockers to try to fix the rhythm problems and I have to follow up in a couple weeks.
ANYWAY - I went to my father's viewing last night and we went to a fast food place for dinner on the way home because it was late. Huge mistake! My stomach went into an uproar and the flutters kicked in hard. I have been belching like a sailor ever since. I've had this happen about three or four other times and it always seems to accompany belching. I went to the urgent care with this once and they caught pvc's on the ekg while they were happening. My surgeon told me that your stomach can set off svt episodes. He has told me this is not dangerous although annoying. The two regular cardiologists told me this is not dangerous. My regular doctor told me this is not dangerous. The urgent care doctor that saw it happening said this is not dangerous.
But, my anxiety right now has skyrocketed because I can't get it to stop! I went to bed with it, took a Lorazepam and slept and now I have woken up with it. I have to go to my father's funeral today. I was told to call the weekend cardiologist if I had any symptoms. But, I'm concerned that if I call they are going to tell me to come back in. If I go back in, I'm going to get the same answer as always and I'm going to miss my father's funeral - which I will NOT do!! His funeral is in three hours. Maybe I will call them after the funeral.