I have been feeling the same! I have been feeling out of sorts since Sept. I seem to also be catching colds easier than usual. Must be all those stress hormones :)
Now is the time for me and you, and others of course to take better care of ourselves. I am going to try to meditate and exercise more.
Good for you for not avoiding this fear! That was a big challenge and you did it! Next time you go to the mall what do you think you will do differently?
I have heard other members explain these types of symptoms after being anxious for long periods of time. Members, please share your experiences.
Hi Spartan: I used to get very fatigued after an outing. I think it was because I was so worn out from all the tension, stress in my body. Any physical activity, when I was at my worse, brought on some stress symptoms. The more I rested and took care of myself, you know, eat well, sleep well, outings didn't fatigue me as much. For awhile I would plan only one thing a day, it's all I could handle. As my strength built up I could do more and felt more confident too as the fatigure or headachey symptoms wouldn't always present themselves after an outing.
I hope this is the right category to put this in...
Anyway, I've noticed that ever since I've started facing my anxiety and panic head on instead of avoiding it and certain situations...I've been feeling terrible. I'll give an example: going to the mall because Christmas is coming up and I have to do some shopping. So I went to the mall yesterday and I had a haircut too, did some shopping. Thank God I went with my brother because I would have left. I just can't stand crowds, lots of people, lineups...etc. So instead of avoiding or leaving the situation like I usually would, I stayed the entire time and I felt really proud of myself. But after I got back home I just felt terrible: dizzy, exhausted, weak, sick to my stomach. I guess I'm just curious if this is "normal" to go through this when facing your anxiety head on? Or if any of you guys have felt this when facing your anxiety too. I'm curious.