Hi all,
Didn't know where to start this thread, so figured this was good as any.
A have dyslexia, although I don't know if this is related or not. It started awhile ago. I won't say it is age related cause it has a different feel to it then just forgetting where I put something.
I will be in the middle of something, and when I reach for related to the task it's not where I put it (where I THINK I put it).
It could be right in front of me, but my eyes don't see it. Even if I slowly scan the area my eyes still don't see it. I used to get frantic, cause it really upset me terribly and I would have a panic attack. Now I gently ask my husband in a calm voice if he can help me. And sure enough after I tell him what I'm looking for, it is right in front of me. It's as if it's invisible until someone points out where it is. And it's not that I'm not paying attention or being fully conscious in the present, I am. I know all that 'stuff' and practice staying present.
I have the condition where I can't remember what faces look like - I once passed my son up on the street and he had to call to me.
I thought it might be a new phenonenon related to dyslexia, since I can read something, whether I wrote it or someone else, and I miss a word. Now I know everyone misses a word here and there sometimes, but I can even put my fingers on the words or numbers (if I'm doing book keeping) and it just isn't there to me. Again, my husband will point it out to me, or the bank, and then it becomes visible again.
Any thoughts or ideas on what it is and how to 'see'.
All would be appreciated.