For me, sometimes things get really stirred up before I make progress. After I started the program, I had a really bad week or two also, and noticed a lot of things getting worse. In my case, I felt like a lot of that came from really dealing with some things face to face, rather than doing every I could to just hold myself together (which kept me functioning short term, but was not good long term). I had to acknowledge them, and deal with them, before it was possible to move on. A couple of times I have experienced what feels like a step back before I end up taking a step forward.
Brittany started another thread the other day about how to start putting your life back together. I think some of the advice there could apply to you, too. Try to make some goals for yourself every day, even if they're very basic at this point. Such as: I'm going to take a shower, I'm going to clean up one thing, I'm going to step outside and get some fresh air for ten minutes. Try to do at least one of these things before you let yourself watch another movie.
Hang in there. We're here for you! It will get better.
The symptoms you describe sound more like depression than anxiety to me. Also, some sound like it could be something totally different. Since this has been going on for over a week, it might be time to check in with your family doctor. Please.
Been a while since I posted - I've been here lingering and reading, but now it's time to post.
Over about the last 10-12 days or so, I have not been doing so well. I've completed sections 1 and 2 in the CBT program here, but it just feels like my fears and anxiety have gone through the roof. I sleep about 12-14 hours a day, I have no desire to clean my house (which I'm usually VERY picky about having a clean house), I don't want to eat, I'm just moody and irritable, and I don't really care if I bathe or not. I'll just lay on the couch ALL day and watch TV or movies. This just bothers me because I know there are so many things I need to do, but I just don't care. I honestly believe that I'm being reclusive like this because of my symptoms and the way I feel. I'm just so dizzy and tired, and my stomach hurts, and I always have a headache. Yesterday my husband made me go for a walk with him, and I was just miserable the entire time - I seriously wanted to cry. The only reason I went for a walk was because it was with him, I would never go by myself - and that's a new thing too. I was employed only a month ago and I would have to take the bus to work and home and I never had a problem with that. But now, just to go for a walk by myself around my house is near impossible. I feel like I'm spiraling out of control, and that I'm going backwards with this healing process instead of forward.