Hi Kitrij: Yes, definitely about the yoga. There are different types of yoga too. I'm not that familiar with it, have only tried it, have heard from friends, wonderful things about it. Glad to hear you saw your dr. and that you have support from your partner. Sounds like positive steps forward, you sound positive today. Yay.
I saw my doctor today, she said that my headaches are due to tension and exacerbated by anxiety - so she doesn't think I have a brain tumour. She also put the dizziness down to anxiety. My Zoloft has been increased to 75mg - I've been on it for about 2 months now - and my doctor said I might want to take a temazepam tablet tonight. (I don't normally use benzos if I can help it because I don't want to become dependent on them, but I do have a bottle of temazepam in the house, I get my partner to put it away so I don't know where it is, it's only to be used as a last resort.) So I'll do that and hopefully I'll get a decent night's sleep and be able to get back on track. I still feel awful but I have to keep working on this and believe I will get better.
By the way, has anyone ever done yoga to treat anxiety/panic? I'm going to a class tomorrow, it's run by someone whose techniques apparently cured my mum's friend of panic attacks, she hasn't had one in six years. I would just love for that to happen to me!! :-)
Being dizzy is freaky and anxiety with it can make you think you will die. But one of the main symptoms for me is dizziness and I often felt like something is wrong with me because of my dizziness. It would come out of nowhere and i'd have to grab onto the furniture closest to me. my legs would tremble from this and It would freak me out. But after doing this about over 100 times and seeing that I am ok, i am finally learning that it is 'just' dizziness or me being scared. I still get scared but i am able to reassure myself quicker that it is just what it is. Life is full of ups and downs and it can make you cry and stuck, but that is life. you are just in a down stage right now and with time you will get out of it. being anxious can cause you to bite down hard and swallow a lot. all of this tension can go to your head to make it sore. but if you haven't talked about it with your doctor, you should talk to him/her about it. and like what Sunny said, i can depend on your meds too. just keep venting here and like what Davit said, patience is key.
I am sorry to hear what you have been experiencing. Always remember that the program is a great resource. There are several sections of the program that will help you out with panic and on challenging negative thoughts. There are also several helplful reference tools, box breathing and progressive muscle relaxation are a great way to cope with anxiety and they also might help with your headaches. If your headaches are unbearable, do visit your doctor or healthcare professional.
It was not long ago that I went through the same thoughts as you, that I was not going to get better. But I did. It took a lot of positive thought and the odd use of Valium when it was bad but here I am, just fine and you can be too. Think positive and have patience. There are a lot of reasons for headaches besides stress.
Kitrij: So sorry to hear about what you are going through. It can be scary those times when we feel there is something wrong with us. I don't know how long you have been on Zoloft. It does take a few wks. to work well and lessen anxiety. Have you seen your dr. lately and described all your symptoms and feelings about it? It could be a side effects and they sometimes lessen with time. Have you practiced the deep breathing exercises? I have found this exercise the best to get myself back from high anxiety to low. Postive self-talk has helped me also, but it did take practice. Another coping strategy I used was to call a friend (she was agreeable to do this for me) and just have her talk to me for about 10 minutes about anything at all, and that lessened my fear factor as I felt no longer alone. Distraction helps too, going to the sink and sipping water slowly, counting the spots on the ceiling, anything at all like that. I hope you start feeling better soon and pls. keep posting and let us know how it goes. We care.
I was doing quite well for the last couple of weeks - I'd been fairly successful in telling myself my headaches were down to anxiety and neck tension, although I still thought about them ALL THE TIME. But last night I had a split-second moment of dizziness and I freaked out. I couldn't sleep, I've been panicking most of today, and I've been crying for the last hour because I don't think I can do this any more. I keep thinking my headaches are a brain tumour and that I'm going to faint and hurt myself. I tried to challenge my thoughts but I couldn't do it. I don't think I am going to get better and I can't go on like this. For medication I am on 50mg Zoloft a day and it's not helping me.