It is super great to hear about your newborn baby boy! Yay! I agree with anerol, it is very reassuring! You must be very proud of yourself! Continue to check in and keep us posted!
Hi Kitri: Congratulations on your baby boy, how wonderful. So happy for you that you are feeling better and able to enjoy being a mommy. I bet he is a sweetheart. You may still have some lingering fears but it sounds like you've been successfully practicing the program and have learned how to "nip it in the bud". You are definitely an inspiration to everyone here. Congratulations on your wellness plan, keeping balance, going to yoga, etc. Great news for all of us.
Thanks for all your encouragement and support. :-)
I am feeling much better now. I think I have managed to get over my fear of headaches. I still get them - mostly from clenching my jaw, it's a bad habit - but I am not worrying about them being a brain tumour or meningitis. I do worry about other health things from time to time, like my heart rate, but I'm trying not to let it get a hold of me.
I am still practising my CBT and I am taking 75mg of Zoloft now, my GP said I could go up to 100mg if necessary but so far so good. I'm also doing yoga once a week and it's very relaxing. Until tonight I hadn't had a panic attack in weeks. Tonight I did have one but I stopped it in about five seconds. And I have been going out, driving my car, working, doing everything. Anyway, I thought I'd post on here to show that I'm learning to manage my anxiety and that it definitely CAN be overcome. At my lowest point - four months ago - I was admitted to hospital and I had to be sedated because I thought I was dying and going insane; I remember screaming at the nurses because I thought they were lying to me about my condition, and I was hysterical because I thought I would have to go to an institution and not be able to see my family again. I had just given birth to my second son and I was terrified that I wouldn't be able to look after him. But now I am living my life almost exactly as I was before I developed PD. Also, my baby son is four months old now and he's just gorgeous, he's a healthy happy baby and I love being with him. :-)
Kitrijj, I'm glad you were able to get some things cleared up with your doc. The other day, I read someone's success story on this site in the success section who had the same fear as you (brain tumor fear), but that person said he's doing so much better. I've been doing yoga since the end of last year and I gives me a better feeling when I do it, but it hasn't completely wiped out my anxiety yet. Let me know how that class goes and which poses they do! Good luck and it's great you are discovering ways to conquer this, it's really inspiring.
The dizziness is a big trigger for me, too. I hate it when driving because I think "oh, no! I'll faint and crash the car!"
But, it has NEVER happened, so I've now convinced myself that the dizziness is actually caused by me looking for it. When I don't look for it, it isn't there!
Kitrij, I too am one of those people who have felt like there wasn't any hope of getting better and enjoying life again. Everything set me off and it was hard to even leave the house. But, working with the program, especially the exposure training was a tremendous help. It takes time and yes, there are those two steps forward, one step back times, but in the long run, it's amazing how far you can come.
It looks like you are taking the initiative to find ways to help yourself cope with the anxiety and that is (in my opinion) the biggest key in overcoming the anxiety.
Hi Cleo: I used to use the cart if I felt a little dizzy. I remember using it as my safe "grounding" while shopping. I would tell myself that if I felt dizzy, well, I could just hang onto the cart, and it would pass, and everything was just fine. This need too passed away. You sound like you did very well at work. :)
Like the others have said I too get dizzy when I'm really anxious, and have to grab onto something to steady myself or sit down. In fact, I have had that for so long I automatically look for someplace to lean on and or hold whenever I have to stop and be still for a while..even if I don't really need it the lineup of a store..I always take a cart even though I may not need it for the stuff I'm buying. There's hope for sure...last night I was stressed and super busy at my job....the dizziness/unsteadiness came. I didnt get panicked though, cause I know what it is. So I took a few good breathes...did some self-talk and got over it!
Give yourself willl get better..and hopefully you will sleep well tonight.