You guys are the best.
I had a good sleep last night , the first time in a long time and it felt so good. Of course the anxiety has decreased but I figure if when I am calm I do the program more will sink in. I think my real problem is I "overthink" everything and I have to try and stop this vicious circle.
To be honest I find greater comfort here at the paniccentre than at my group...maybe it's just too new there yet, time will tell.
You are so right , Davit, when you said it all starts with acceptance and I am still struggling with that....always concerned what others may think. My husband always says " to damn what other think, this illness is no worse than cancer, it wasn't your fault "
and he is right.
Oh ! right, I forgot to tell you group today they passed out a hand out and on it were various characteristics of people who experience anxiety... one of which is people who have relatively high intelligence and who are very creative.
Well, I guess we all fall into that group! That's what I told my husband when I got home " Oh well, the one advantage is that I know I'm intelligent and creative!" LOL
There you go a bright side to my story!
Thanks again, I can always count on you guys and I do keep you all in my prayers.