I do not have this. I am post menopausal which has its own set of issues to content with. Like trying to grow old gracefully for one and trying to deal with all the changes your body goes throught during this time in a women life.
I don't know if I have pmdd...But I do know I have these mood swings tied into my periods... I get so anxious and sad and depressed. A long time ago I put in place mechanisms to try and deal with it. Like I try not to beleive anything I think because I know it is the hormones talking. I also challenge my thoughts knowing I would think differently if it wasn't this part of the month. Oh and I make no important decisions unless they can't wait and if I do have to I do it with great care!
Anyway, all this to say I feel like a total nut case some times of the month! And I don't think I have PMDD, so I can't even imagine what it must feel like to have it! I think those who have to deal with that are very strong and brave to deal with this. My hats off with all those of you who live with this.
It's like PMS, but more involved. It's called Premenstrual Dysporic Disorder. The symptoms of PMS are more pronounced, especially the anxiety and depression.