Alright, so I've been exploring the whole relaxation techniques thing. I've got plenty of resources with my health insurance, which is online so very easy access kinda deal. Anyways, in exploring this, I've found it helps exponentially. It helps subside the generalized anxiety, which seems to be my primary defect, so to speak. In conquering the generalized portion, which I still haven't done fully, BUT, I've stopped the anxiety attacks. Consider anxiety like a car, and generalized anxiety the engine. Kill the engine that drives the car, and the car can't go anywhere, right?
Anyways, enough of my banter, relaxation techniques I've learned, which can be done at your work, home, where ever its clever. And please, feel free to add whatever, more the merrier!
Progressive muscle reaction: a build on the deep breathing technique
What to do: Starting with your toes, really flex for 5-10 seconds, release. Then move to your foot, flex for 5-10 seconds, release. Then on to your claves, ankle, thighs, butt, stomache, chest, biceps, triceps, forearms, hands, fingers, neck, jaw, face, eyes...etc. The idea is to flex each part of your body individually for 5-10 seconds. In doing this, it helps relax each part afterwards.
What to do: Look online for a visual example. Basically look for stretches particular to your lifestyle. E.G. if you sit a lot, look for desk stretches. I know, I'm lame for not explaining further, but really I don't know how to explain this. I would probably make someone break their neck! (or I'm too lazy to type all that out. :-O)
There's plenty more, but I have to get back to work. This just helped me so I wanted to share.