Thank you so much for the reply! Yeah time deadlines get to me. Worse part is my meeting was put off till tomorrow afternon. I guess htat is agood thing since all my things are not ready. As such I have another day of all work no play ahead of me. On top of it I have my first couple's therapy tonight. Gonne be a long busy day. I do hopw to finish all my work today. got up late so am behind already anyway, wish me luck. My stress levels are pretty high atm but I am dealing with it ok for the moment. Sure I will manage. anyway, off I go to slave over this thing!
I think what bothers me most is that since I have had this burn-out thing it feels like my brain doesn't work properly or fast enough which makes everything harder and lsower. On top of it to slow everything down a notch or two down, I find myself obssessing over every single little details! I always do that when I am overstressed and overtired, I obssess over the stupidest things! The more I obsees the slower things go, the slower things go the more stressed I am the more stressed I am...Well you get the picture. Anyway, just gonne plow on and hope to get through this particular project today before it drives me mad.
Thank you for listening and thank you again Miki for your caring reply.
I"m sorry you are having a rough time. You reminded me of the time when I was in school and I had a big panic attack because of all the final projects were due. Time pressure is really harsh. But I really admire how you are putting up with it especially when you have anxiety disorder. You're boss may not understand but I truely think that it's amazing that you have decided to do your job when you could have chosen not to. So even if it's for that much I hope you know how much you've accomplished! I hope you can get some good rest and have a pleasant time finishing your project. Best wishes.
Ok wow, I am freaking out. I think I will go for a hort nap to settle down. I am freaking and am depressed and crying. I had a deadline for last Friday for work. I had to push it up to tomorrow. Now, I find myself still working around the clockon that project and I still won't get done on time. I am exhausted and anxious and have not had time to take proper care of myself trying to get this done. I was so hoping to be done for tomrrow but it looks like that was just a pipe dream. I have to meet my boos tomorrow and I don'T know what to tell her. Argh! I hate this. I am exhauseted and my brain in only working at half capacity since this stupid burnout/depression thing started which means everything takes longer to get done peoperly. On top of it, I think I am obsessing over details again which is not helping. Man I hate this. Anyway, gonna run to ty and go rest my poor brain and head back to work till middle of night and see how far I can get. I am so down right now... Wish my haert would stop playing drum solos in my ears! Anyway, off to nap and hope I feel better when I emerge. Thank you for the safe space for venting.
I ended up watching a movie called Dedication. It was good. I also watched The Secret Life of Words. Was also good.
Well I have been posting for a while today and must get back to work. But thanks for the replies and I will keep you posted. Up to now, today is a good day.
Today is a bit rough for I feel sick. Feeling sick makes me anxious...But overall am amazed at how well I am doing lol. I went to the university to set up stuff for spetember. I did some work and am ready to go back to it. Did some dishes and laundry. Overall am keeping busy and hoping to feel better tomorrow! Might watch a movie (as I am a movie addict) later tonight as a treat for working!