I find my therapist OK..she's the only one I could get with my health insurance here. I seem to talk and talk..but I dont really find that i'm getting anything out of it..its wierd.. She makes suggestions but they dont work for me..I try to go once in a while, but I wish I could go elsewhere but then i'd have to pay a lot of money..so i'll just stick with her for a while..
I also think therapy can be helpful. Even with a person I didn't quite trust, I got quite a lot done. But I stopped going to him about a year ago I guess, or just over maybe, and I'm starting with someone new in September. I hope it works out! A bit part of it is whether you trust the person and are comfortable with them. I hope you find someone! :)
I think therapy can be a wonderful thing..when you find the right fit. I'm still looking for one for me personally but our little beach community doesn't have one that deals with OCD and I've been avoiding the big city.. lol... out of sight, out of mind.
In the past though it has been VERY beneficial and there are so many options out there you can pick the type of therapy that suits you... art therapy, CBT, jungian etc. There is something for everyone and every personality style.
I'm thinking maybe in the Fall for myself when the weather gets a bit gray again .... we'll see.
Some good advice here. Seeing a therapist is a very personal experience. Try to think of ways that he helped you before and if you think it would be beneficial to you now. Everybody reacts differently to therapy so it is up to you to make the decision.
Anyway, I still occasionnaly see my therapist. When I relapsed I saw him twice a week. Then once a week, then once per two weeks... You get my point. When I feel great I have a go at it on my own but when I feel bad I go back. I went back with Oscar's passing and I will see my therapist in a few weeks. I find it helps. I also found that the program here and what I did with my therapist was super compatible. My therapist actually oversaw much of my Panic Center homework at first since I had asked him to. Anyway, I think seeking a therapist when we feel we need it is god move. So there is my opinion.
I just started mine about a month ago. Little awkward at first, and I think I spelled that word wrong, but overall it's kinda nice to let go of all that pent up stuff...and sometimes he give me a pretty good insight to the situation. Overall, I think the greatest thing is letting all that **** that bothers me out, forgive my language...and forgive it again for the following quote: don't sweat ****, flush it!
Anywho, whatever you feel is best, you know you! I got your back!
Now that I am without my "protectors" in this city, I'm considering a therapist again... I was wondering how many of you still have therapists and your opinions and views on it today. I would like to read, thanks!!!
Right now, I am at an OK stage and I feel like this site is what helps me stay OK. I am going to see if this site is enough for me, so I haven't looked for a new therapist. I also am lazy about it and figure if I'm really in the need of one, I will do it and call. Thanks for all your support.