Hello everyone! I have been seeing my therapist for about a month now and there are some things that we've realized about my worries. My worries are all automatic... it happens before I start to do anything. My therapist realized that it seems like I get some sort of relief in preparing myself for the worst. I do remember that as a child, I felt relief at expecting the worst so that the slightest better would feel best. Now I realize that worry is there for preparation... and preparation can be a good thing if I just let it stop there. "Prepare for worst. Done. And move on." Would be a controlled strategy. But if I let the worry control me... it leads to another and another and another, which ends up frightening me.
I've also read in "Tuesdays with Morrie" book that one needs to accept what we are feeling... "Ok, this is fear that I am feeling." Acknowledge it, understand it, and say STOP and let go.. to move on to the next emotion. (Easier said then done, I know... but something to think about, for sure.)
My therapist also mentioned my lack of confidence. I don't trust and believe in the positive half of predictions. I don't give myself respect that I can handle the worst. I believe there is no strength in me. But, like the "Wizard of Oz", strength, confidence, and all the qualities I fear I lack may really already be inside of me. People have told me "you are stronger than you think" and maybe they are right?
I try to remind myself of all these "things to think about" to move small steps forward. I hope they bring something, anything to the rest of you too.
Anxiety is here for a reason... maybe to help us realize a lot of things we need to learn to become who we really are. It is hard for me to believe in this most of the time, but I think there is something 'good' in this experience we are going through. It just takes A LOT of time... and patience. But we will come out 100 times stronger and wiser. (I wish I can tell this to myself when I'm having an attack!)