Hello lorlee,
You are definitely not alone. In fact this is one of the main symptoms of my anxiety and panic attacks. In fact I don't even know which comes first the palpitations or the anxiety. I may not be thinking about anything when out of the blue there it is skipped beats, added beats, fast beats, or too slow beats. Fluttering and jumping sensations in my chest with flushing of my face. They make me feel so out of breath and worn out.
I have been to 5 cardiologists... who find nothing wrong but a sino atrial node that seems to get mixed messages from an overactive nervous system. I have had echo's, EKG's, holter monitor, that month long event monitor, and a stress test. The doctor's see my irregular rhythm. But it does me no harm... it is just a nuisance! They say my sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous system wage war against each other. I more I am afraid the worse it gets... And it seems I get into loops of seemingly endless days this way. They told me that there is some treatment where they can go in and zap the cells that get overcharged by my nerves. But just thinking of them messing with my heart can even start an attack... so I won't go there!!!
My heart symptoms are worse when I am ill or have my menses. Stomach bug and fevers really set it off. My doctor checks for dehydration and low potassium levels. Most usually she send me to ER for re-hydration through IV, IV potassium and ativan in just a short time things start too smooth out.
Two weeks ago I just started getting better from pneumonia. I had it since Jan. 31. I struggled with a fast heart rate in excess of 138 bpm resting and 178 bpm when up. It didn't help that I was lacking for air, coughing continuously, 102 fever, and medications, such as prednisone wiped me out the rest of the way. The on top of it all I am so afraid of having to take new medications... I was anxious knowing I needed to take them and I was anxious thinking about what if I didn't take them. Through both the illness and my anxiety I had become totally worn out. Also, I have become so deconditioned, because I was unable to do anything for so long. Now, I feel fatigued, out of breath and a fast heart rate due to this. All symptoms that are normal, but I am not able to see it this way, so this is really making me more anxious which compounds the problem of me getting back into shape. I would rather much continue to stay in bed or sitting in a chair.
Well, enough rambling...I wish you a speedy recovery as I am trying to do the same myself... you are not alone... it will get better as it always has...