Have you tried relaxation techniques before they strike? Do they seem to to coincide with higher levels of anxiety? Check your tracker?
Do try to keep challenging your thoughts and continuing with the CBT program. And if you need to vent some more, you know where to find us.
Is the underlying fear death or illness? How are you managing to challenge those?
Danielle, Bilingual Support Specialist
No need to apologize Lorlee, We all have "Oh woe is me days". I am glad you came here and shared how you felt with us. I know I sure feel angry and sad at having this now and then. It is like I feel like asking why me? I feel like just hating everything... But then I have a few good days and then it is not so bad anymore lol. That might make me simplistic, I don't know...
I think it is easy for us to switch one worry for another because we are so used to worrying we just don't really know how to stop sometimes. If it isnèt one thing it is another. That is why I was so impressed with the program. It teaches you how to challenge your thoughts and eventually think differently.
I think the hardest part is to just keep at it even tho it is not an instant thing. After all this time living with this I think we all wish an instant cure was available sometimes.
Anyway, I wish I knew what to say to make your day a little better. All I can really say is I empathize with you and I truely believe in my heart that there is hope for people like you and me and that better days can come about. Oh and be kind to yourself, we all have bad days and that is when we must be the most gentle with ourselves. You deserve much kindness :)
Remember, this too shall pass!
Hi everyone.
So once again when I seem to get a handle on a certain fear it seems to switch to something else.
For the longest time I was concerned about my heart. I was so sure there was something wrong with it. I had tests done and everything was fine. Do I enjoy my life a little more knowing it's ok? Oh no!
Now I am certain the headaches I have been getting lately must be due to something more serious than stress or whatever. I get a quick, sharp pain on my forehead just above my eyes and get all panicky. Sometimes after the pain I get a headache but most often I don't.
Why do I have to constantly worry about my health? Why do I constantly worry about anything? I am so tired. I want to wake up in the morning and look on each day with a sense of hope and joy. I don't want to awaken with a sense of dread each day.
I try to challenge my thoughts, do deep breathing, work the program, etc. but it just doesn't seem to end. For most of my life worry and anxiety have been my constant companions.
I no longer have a Doctor so I am trying to find a new one who is sympathetic to panic/anxiety disorder which can be hard. I guess I am having a "Oh woe is me day" I just want to feel better and enjoy life. Sorry for going on about this I am just feeling angry and sad today.