Not sure this is truely a setback. After writting here, if I don't feel better, I wil print some thought challenging forms and get at it. I am not at home atm. But am near a fine printer :P
Last week was a huge week. I worked all week (5 day week) and I stayed late on some nights. But I wa really proud of myself for everything I had accomplished and for managing a 5 day week. Saturday I woke up feeling really tired and weepy. Not particularly anxious but felt weepy like crying and whining most of the day and didnt know why. Then on Sunday I woke up sick.That to me explained saturday. When my body is fighting off something i become really weepy and whiny. Always have.But I thought I was just tired till Sunday morning rolled around. Sunday was a real nightmare. Spent the whole day on the couch just battling a high fever not being able to eat and having trouble keeping down water. At first I didnt want to go to the hospital, I didn't want to be hysterical and just run to the horpital for a flu. I kept feeling guilty that I was so scared and not handling myself better. I had trouble breathing and my heart was racing so badly. I figured most of my symptoms were just panic attacks. I called my local healthline often and most of them advised me to clam down and wait and see if it gets worse. I gues they figured the panic had a major role in my symptoms too. Eventually tho, it was just too much. So i decided to go the the emergency room. I figured if it was just a panic attack the triage nurse would just send me home but at least I would know. My husband couldn't miss work the next day so my mom is the one who brought me to the hospital. So I saw the triage nurse and was admitted immediatly. At least I felt less guilty. It wasn't just me panicking for no reason. There actually was soething wrong with me. So I just spent the night in the hospital being rehydrated etc... The doctor thinks it was an infection in my throat that migrated to my stomach and intestines...Heance the dehydration...I wont give you more details, it would just be gross. Anyway, they kept me all night and were very nice to me and they knew I was anxious so they took time to reassure me and answer my questions.
I had to miss work today, I have been ordered to rest. Although, I dont feel up to