Oh I think exercise does fine :) I was just curious really lol. I find exercising is helping with my anxiety alot. Plus the more I exercise the less I am afraid of exercising lol. I guess that is why I put it in my exposure work (at first my fear of exercise was so bad I was afraid to move at all!). Now I walk about an hour a day 54/7 days. I feel how much it helps with my tension issues. As for the hormonal thing, well I guess I just have to be careful to do my exercises and relaxation, breathing and I will be fine. And well, worse case, I have a panic attack and move on. I am realizing that the less power I give my panic attacks the less I dramatize when I do panic and the less I make myself crazy about wether I will have another one or not. I try to live in the present moment and that is helping a lot. Anyway, thanks for the info and we will see next cycle how it goes :P
It will depend largely on your case as every course of treatment is judged on an individual basis. It can range from basic changes to diet and exercise with/without prescription of SSRI's and/or hormone therapy.
Again, your gynecologist is the best authority to advise you in this matter and give you a better idea of what you treatment plan would look like.
The PC Support Team
Hello Danielle :)
Just out of curiosity when you said "To my knowledge, medication and physical activity, seperate or in combination, prior to this stage of your cycle, have been successful in reducing anxiety levels around this time of the month." What type of medications were you referring to. Not that I am looking for medication lol but now I just feel super curious lol. Thanks!
Hi Diva,
I think this stands for premenstrual dysphoric disorder and has to do with a variety of physical and emotional symptoms in relation to a woman's monthly cycle.
The PC Support Team
Hello Danielle!
Well yes I know the best advisor for me on this would be a gynecologist but I am afraid that type of doctor is a rare bird around where I live lol Waiting lists are nuts. I figure I don't really need one so I won't clutter up the list. My general practionner is really great and keeps a close eye on me. I figure she is good enough for my needs (I.e. yearly pap test and all that).But thank you for pointing that out to me, it is always good to know which resources are best.
And yes I know many women sufferers are not particularly affected by hormones and such. But I really seem to see a pattern coming out of this. But I figure it is more then just hormones. I mean a pattern can have more then one cause. I figure it is nice to know the pattern exists tho so that I can be careful to do my progressive relaxation and breathing and cognitive restructuring more regularly when approaching that time of the month :)
As for the exercise thing I sure do believe it. I find doing more exercise since december has helped me in a ton of ways. As for medication... I am not sure what kind of medication you are talking about...
Thank you very much for the answer and thanks for the advice and info :)
Ccamrine, thank you so much for sharing your opinion and your experience with me. I really appreciate it :)I find getting other people's opinions really useful and I really appreciate you sharing with me. It seems hormone levels affect me too in some way. It is nice to know I am not alone in this :)Thank you^^
I, for one, believe that female hormones can play a big part in making anxiety and panic worse. Ever hear of PMDD? I had a horrible bout of PMDD and ended up in a psych hospital because I couldn't take it anymore. I was crying and shaking and could not calm down and my anxiety was horrible. After I got out I went to the Gynocologist and got a full exam. I have two large fibroids in my uterus and cysts on my ovaries. Those don't grow without hormonal imbalances (my opinion). I'm getting a hysterectomy in six weeks. Hopefully when we get my hormone replacement leveled out my problems with panic and anxiety will get alot better.
The best authority to advise you on this matter is your gynocologist. Many women panic sufferers and none experience increased levels of anxiety.
To my knowledge, medication and physical activity, seperate or in combination, prior to this stage of your cycle, have been successful in reducing anxiety levels around this time of the month.
Hope this helps.
The PC Support Team