Lorlee, i am terrified of dentists since a very traumatic experience at the tender age of 6!!
My dentist was always a mad man, terrible and no patience at all. I was always sedated when younger and of course they don't do that know. But since my problems two years ago, i could not have the sedation that they offer now, they do not put you under any more! So i would have to grin and bare it so to speak. My front tooth broke off last year and i had to go then, i went to a private dentist, i was a wreck, he was ok, they are used to scared patients. I went four times to see the dental hygienist and they put a temporary shaped piece of cement onto my broken tooth until i was to go for a crown. Of course i never went back. Then the cement came off, i had to go back and he did the same again. I was supposed to return for the proper root canal work and crown, but never did. I have guarded this cement with my life, cannot bite anything. I have never been able to smile, ever!! And of course since this has happened it is even worse. I hate the way people look at my mouth when i am talking and trying my best not to open my mouth very wide so they can't see. I would love to have a smile, i am 37 now and have never experienced a smile. They said my teeth need some work but they are ok really, just need one possibly two crowns. But another problem i have is the fact that since the problem when i was 6, and i saw blood draining away, i have been scared of my own blood, especially in the mouth and nose region. TERRIFIED!! To the point of cannot cope at all. I am trying to get the money together, private dentist you know, to go as i have lots of lovely lipsticks for one, that i would love to wear and can't at the moment. Then i will HAVE to go and have it done i suppose. Dreading it.
Loree, could you please let me know what i will be going through for a root canal, any pain, any blood, as i am so scared, just typing this is sending me off already. Please reply as soon as you can, i'm scared. Thankyou.