I am in the same boat as you. I have chest pains and the pounding heart almost daily and they scare the hell out of me. Like you, I have had tests done, EKG's and even an EP Study and all came out fine but I still fear that something must be wrong. I too have a small child, a 19 month old son, and I fear that I am going to die young and that my son will have to grow up without a mother. This is such a negative thought but I fear this every day. I have slowly learned that it is our anxiety that is feeding this irrational fear. If you've had tests done, chances are it is just your anxiety and so the program here will help you challenge those anxious thoughts. It helps alot but I still struggle with them. Right now I am mostly struggling with dizziness that I get daily and so I worry less about the chest pains. If it isn't one thing it will be something else when it come to anxiety ;-) You are not alone and I can totally relate.