I like this quote by Nelson Mandela and I hope you will to. To me it signifies more than just going back to a geographical place. It can also signifie returning to a place in your heart, mind, soul, time etc. Like friday night I had a huge pani attack. It felt like going back in time, in December when I relapsed. It felt like going back there in my mind feeling freaked out. But then I noticed one thing had changed and that change is in me. I have changed, my way of dealing with all this is different, more effective, thanks to this program I have more tools. I find I got setback a lot less back and am coming out of it much faster. It is not perfect yet but still I know in my heart that I can do this, that I can fight back. This is what this quote reminds me of, this is what it represents to me. I hope you enjoy it too.
[b][color=Navy]There is nothing like returing to a place that remains unchanged to find how you yourself have altered.
-Nelson Mandela[/color][/b]