The jaw relaxation exercise I do is a bit hard to explain as everyone is different , but I shall try my best to explain. I find lying down in bed the best, so just lie down and get comfortable in whatever way is best for you. Then you bring your focus when you are ready to your jaw, let it drop down slightly and teeth slightly apart and let your tongue relax. This is where you have to gauge what feels comfortable for you in your jaw muscles. Don't force anything, do what is comfortable and relaxed for you, if you know what I mean. When your jaw is relaxed, you may even feel the relaxation spreading to other parts of your face. Then you may wish to continue relaxing like this for a few minutes. As I had mentioned earlier somewhere else, I am not 100% successful in getting the perfect relaxation, frustrating but I think I have not give up due to the frustration as I find that this exercise is very useful for me. Hope it helps Diva.