I think I know what you mean, and I guess I need to do some more monitoring of the situations that I panic in....I suppose that's why it is so important to keep records all the time. I will work on these and see if I can get to the bottom of what's causing the issue, then I can identify areas for practice. Out of interest, what do you mean when you say look broader.
What is it about shopping that makes you panic on some days and not others?
Where you anxious before you left? What thoughts run through your mind when you're shopping? Is it the number of people? Is the open space? What other contributing factors may be at play?
If this doesn't help you narrow your situation specific phobias, then go broader.
Hope this helps.
The PC Support Team
I am finding it a little confusing setting exposure goals. Sometimes I have panic in a situation when others days I might be fine in exactly the same situation.
For example I want to set a goal as going to the local shopping mall, with little or no panic. But the trouble is sometimes I can already manage this and can stay shopping for over an hour, while others times I am panicking before I even get out the car and only stay in the shops for a short time before I have to leave.
This makes it difficult for me to set objectives and goals that I can then work up to overcome.
I would be greatful of any input with this particular proble.