Last week I was at school and I had alot of anxiety at first. After a half an hour or so I started to relax and enjoy the class. I was taking notes then all of the sudden I blacked out or something because the next thing I knew I was falling forward and then I felt a jolt (not sure if it was a heart palpitation or what) and I had a feeling of warmth spread throughout my body then everything felt tingly. When I realized I wasn't going to die I grabbed my things and went to the bathroom where I sat on the toilet and tried to figure out what just happened. It was scary and now I am sooo afraid it will happen again which wouldn't be so bad if I knew what happened. I am not sure if I was holding my breath without realizing it or if I possibly fell asleep but I was wondering if anyone else had a similar experience with the blacking out. I did speak to a nurse who spoke with my doc who said it was just anxiety related but how can they be so sure? I wasn't checked out or anything. I guess I just need reassurance because I am skipping class out of fear of that happening again :(. Any encouragement or advice would be greatly appreciated. I want and need to go to class but i am scared that something like that will happen again and it was embarassing and scary. However, I don't want to let the fear control my life.