Ok, so break this goal down into smaller pieces.
* Visualize yourself driving, once you are comfortable with that, move on to...
* Sitting in the car with someone.
* Sitting in the car by yourself.
* Sitting in the car with the engine running.
* Pretending to drive with visualization.
* Backing out of the driveway.
* Driving a small distance and increasing that distance until you reach your final goal of driving your son to school.
* Expand this goal to new further distances.
In your session diary, just past your symptom tracker, you'll find a tip sheet for conducting exposure work. The key is to have a plan for trying to control anxiety before entering exposure work and tolerating some level of anxiety in exposure work in order to try to gain control.
Please don't be too hard on yourself and start changing that thinking. You are not going to fail, you are learning about yourself and your anxiety. It is only through learning that success can be achieved.
Isabella & Rowan,
Keep your focus on your achievements. You will have ups and downs. This is normal.
Here is the link for the post you're looking for:
If ever you need to find a post, use our search engine in the top right of the forum. (Icon that reads SEARCH MESSAGES). Type in a keyword like catastrophizing or your username and threads will appear. You can then bookmark them in your browser for future viewing.
Hope I've answered some if not most of your questions. Please feel free to ask more as knowledge does give you power.
The PC Support Team