Hey wendy. HOw are you? I'm not sure if you already went on the trip or not. If you did, i hope you had a wonderful experience!
Ok, i suggest you do some visualizations before you go. Here is what i mean: The night before and the morning of, just sit down, close your eyes. Imagine that you are going on this trip and that you DONT' have any anxiety or worries. Imagine yourself as healthy, energetic and excited as you can be. Imagine yourself laughing and having a wonderful time.....even while you are waiting to go. Truly feel that this is YOU. Just think of how you would act if you didnt' have any anxiety. What would you be doing? What would the air smell like? What would you look like? Would you be laughing and taking this easy?
Once you do this visualization, it helps you feel what its really like to have a good time rather than worry. I'm not saying that its gonna get rid of anxiety that you had. But i beleive that visualizations are very powerful in helping us reach that goal.....that healthy YOU!
Plz let us know how you did. I'm curious!
Wish you all the best!
Bye for now!