Thank you for the great tips Timbo! I'll let you know if I ever find any. Morel hunting sounds like a much more rewarding hobby than smoking!
I'm no expert on hunting, but there are a few things you can look for that might help you find them. Look around apple trees, crab apple trees and elm trees. Look by fallen limbs and trees. Look by deer paths in the woods. Look on the entrance edge of the woods. If you do find one, there's usually at least one more very close by it. It's best to stop and take a good look instead of trying to find them by just walking. Look real good, and move a few feet. Turn around and look again where you've already looked. Sometimes you don't see them the first time and when you look from a different angle you might get lucky.
As for the false morels, to tell the difference between the two, a true morel has a hollow stem. The false morels have a more solid or cottony filling in the stem.
Stay safe and good luck if you go out hunting!
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I love this so much Timbo!
Super neat! Thank you for sharing.
Do you have any morel hunting tips? I haven't found any. All I know is to watch out for false morels. They look completely different when cut open.
Nothing better than to go out walking in the woods looking for that favorite mushroom that folks pay over $50 a pound for. ?
The aromas encountered in the woods are also a blessing for new quitters......and older quitters such as myself. Love the dogwood and apple trees in bloom. They smell so good.
Stay safe!
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Days: 803 Hours: 0
Minutes: 14 Seconds: 26
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