Hi Toni! I hope I catch you before you leave for dinner. Ok, you just started week one, good for you! Actually, week one is one of my favorite weeks cause you learn so much about anxiety/panic!!
I dont' want you to jump ahead with my advice. But what i suggest is that this is just anxiety!! This happens to me all the time before i go out. My mind constantly is working about how i will feel in that situation etc. So, i suggest, you just go to a quiet place in your house. Away from phones, clocks, kids etc. Put on some soft music, and meditate for a little. Just close your eyes (either sitting comfortably or laying down) and just concetrate on ONE thing. IN yoga, they teach me to concentrate on your breathing.....when you inhale your belly should go out (like a balloon), and when you exhale your belly should go back in. Dont force the breathing, just let it be effortless. Now, you find your mind wondering around negative thoughts.......stop yourself and come back to the focussing on one thing (breathing, for example). This will help you clear your mind. When you inhale, you can also imagine inhaling a bright source of positive energy from the sun or star. This engergy will take away all of your sypmtoms and help you calm down! The energy is ur friend!
Ok, i didn't realize how long i jsut typed lol. But one more thing. Try to challenge your thoughts. Stop them before they continue. Just tell yourself "This is just anxiety, its just another anxious thuoght like before, it cannot harm me, i cannot faint, its just anxiety"
I hope i have helped. I hope you have a wonderful time at the dinner. U can have fun with that positive energy i told you about! Take it with you to dinner and let it make you feel great! just try!
i hope you have fun. let me know how you feel hun. :)