Thanks Lulu for communicating with our members about our free program :)!
If you have not already tried our Panic Program here is some information you may find handy in debating whether or not our program is for you :).
The Panic Program workbook contains many of the exercises and worksheets that are in the Panic Program, so you can maintain your progress even while you are away from the computer. The workbooks can also be emailed to a friend or family member who would like to learn about CBT and panic disorders.
Please continue to post your questions and concerns regarding CBT. We are here to educate and help you in any way we can.
Take care,
The Panic Center Support Team
Hi there i have been doing CBT with my psychologist for a few months and i found it to be a real help in dealing with my negative/unrealistic thoughts, have you had a look at the Panic Program offered on this site for free? It is the same CBT as ive been doing with my psychologist.Id recommend having a go the only thing is you have to persevere with it even when it feels too hard to do.Goodluck.
Hi everyone. I'm hoping someone can help me out here. I have been reading a lot about CBT and the majority of people say it works wonders. I got a little info on what it entails, but I was hoping someone who has been through it could give me more specific details about the sessions. I'm just really curious as to whether this could help me. I see my therapist on the 12th, so I'd like to know if it's something I'd like to persue with her.
Thanks for any help!!!!!