I know I'm just being panicky, and I feel really stupid about even asking this, but I'm sure most of you will understand, which is why I'm asking.
Most of last week I kept having a lot of chest pressure in the middle of my chest and up into my throat. My left arm kept aching, but it always aches because of a muscle in my back that freaks out every now and again, shooting pains into my arm, shoulder and armpit. But, because of the chest pressure, I decided to go see a doctor. They did an EKG and told me everything looked really good and that the pressure in my chest is most likely acid reflux type thing. I don't have high blood pressure, diabetes or high cholesterol (it was checked about 3 months ago). I don't smoke - I quit six years ago. He told me that I am at a very low risk of heart problems and that my heart sounds really healthy and the EKG looked really good and not to worry.
I can't seem to get the thought out my head that he is wrong. Because I know that logically it is the panic throwing the "what if's" at me, I would like to ask what you all think. Obviously, as you all know, it's hard to trust that voice in your head.
Should I trust the doctor's diagnoses and believe that everything is ok because the EKG looked so good? My husband keeps telling me that if there was even a slight problem, the EKG would have shown it. I just keep thinking, yeah, but... what if....