I'm just starting the panic program and I'm a little confused. I read all the information in session one and I took the anxiety test. It's clear to me I have anxiety problems, and I know I've had at least one honest to goodness panic attack where I couldn't move, thought i was having a heart attack, got chills, thought i was dying and started sobbing uncontrollably. That was a few years ago though. I've always had times when my heart races, i feel like im in danger when logically i know i'm not and i get hot flashes and my hands go numb. These aren't anywhere near as intense as the panic attack I described before, and Im not sure if they are panic attacks at all. I don't freeze and I don't think im dying. Are these panic attacks? i definitely avoid situations because of them, but I'm still not sure if I'm in the right place. Also, a month ago I had an incident where I had several symptoms of a panic attack and ended up fainting. Does the fact I fainted mean it was not a panic attack?
sorry this message is so long. I'm moving and won't have a doctor for another month, so I thought i'd give this a shot and see if I can figure this out. Thanks