Hi Carol. I used to get those a lot, they were one of the first things that sent me to the doctor who diagnosed my panic and anxiety. I still get them occasionally, but since starting the CBT program, they end very quickly. I do (or rather, think) 3 things when the dizzy feelings start:
First: "OK, I have felt this before, and I know now that it's only panic."
Second: "It is not real, I am in no danger. I feel the same thing every time, so I know by now that it can't hurt me."
Third: "So, bring it on. When it's over, I am getting up and moving on, even stronger than I was before."
Say these things, believe these things (because they really are true and you know it!) during an attack and it will help tremendously. Say them to yourself every time you feel the beginning of those panicky thoughts and feelings. I hope it helps you like it has helped me.