Hello, I wanted to ask everyone if they ever had this happen to them, my Doctor did not seem to know. I am still having all the other "fun" symptoms but this one kind of threw me, 3 nights ago I was dozing off very relaxed for a change and I felt a very hot hot sensation come over my whole body, it was like intense heat up and down my body, I was not sweating or chilling, it shook me up but then went away, this morning as I woke up the same thing happened, a real intense heat flush up and down my body, like I was put in a oven or something, I do not have a fever, this is scaring me, I am still feeling very dizzy and nacous and shaky and this adds to it. That could not of been a "hot flash" could it?? I know after one of those you sweat and get all cold and clammy and that did not happen, could that flushing be anxiety even when I was not anxious?? Each time it happened I was in a "half-sleep" I do not think it was panic. I hope it goes away, I have so many other symptoms to deal with and do NOT need another one, the Paxil is still not helping and that worries me, right now I am very anxious and trying to fight off a panic attack. If anyone has ever had this flushing heat feeling please write me and let me know. I hope everyone is well today. Thank you, GOd bless, Debbie.