Hi kitty! Don't worry, its anxiety. I remember a friend of mine told me "DON'T UNDERESTIMATE WHAT ANXIETY CAN DO TO YOU." Basically, it can make you feel things that are very uncomfortable but CANNOT harm you. So basically, the anxiety is playing games with us and it cannot hurt us. So i think we should talk to it and CHALLENGE it. If it wants to play games with us, fine....so be it....we will challenge it and be strong.....we will work through it and eventually win it over. I'm working on this positive attitude. I know its hard....but we can do it.
about ur stomach.....I CAN TOTALLY RELATE TO THAT. My stomach feels like its a big knot every single day. I think this is why i always feel sick after i eat. I hate the feeling. Try doing some yoga breathing and yoga stretches....its helpful to release some tension. Check out some yoga sites on the net that can teach you....or just by a dvd/video. I have a yoga video by KATHY SMITH called "new yoga". I think its amazing because she goes through every stretch slowly and its for beginner and intermediate. It also has a bit of meditation so it helps you relax. I hope i have helped. I hope you feel better. muahhh :)
kitty, i have were my heart is pounding out of my neck. it feels like my heart is going to explode. i wish i couldnt feel my heart beat.stress does aolt of crazy things. just remember this to shall pass. hugs gina
Hello Everyone
I really need some advice what the problem is at the moment is i feel really worried because i can't feel my heart beating i have had heart palpations which really get me going i them i think oh god i can't feel anything has anyone had this? also i think i have loads of anxiety it's like i can feel all my tummy muscles in a knot. I can't keep still its a funny thing it must be anxiety i think i have been checked out in the past and everything came out fine but i still think something will happen to me i am not coping very well can anyone understand this what i am going though love kitty