I often worry that I'm on to much medication. They have me on Lithum, Paxil, Clonzepam, Lemital, and Seraquil. I'm tired all the time and I swear it's from the medications. I want to get better but I also don't want life to pass me by while I'm in a daze. I go to see my psychatrist next Thursday and this is one of the issues I plan to bring up. I'm scared though because what if I stop taking something and my panic attacks come back like they used to (daily). Right now I usually only have them 3 times a week as long as I don't have to leave my house, except to go to therapy. I'm scared about next week because I already know that I have to leave my house on Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday. I don't think I can do it three days in a row.
Well now I'm babbling. But I am curious if anybody else is on this many medications.