Hello, I went to my primary Doctor today and told him how awful I was feeling and how the panic and depression is destroying my life, he is a good compassionate Doctor, he is concerned I am losing so much weight because of the constant nausea and vomiting, he wrote me a prescription for Zoloft to fill in a week if the Paxil CR does not work, I told him the side effects are brutal with Paxil, I use to be on Zoloft and was not crazy about it but I am desperate for something to work, at least it will lift the depression somewhat if not the anxiety, right now I would be glad just to have either the panic OR depression not both, its to draining and too much of a fight and is slowly killing me. I think the Paxil is too strong even at the low dose I am taking, I notice alot of people on the site take Zoloft and seem content. The Doctor says I need to follow up with a psychritrist {spelled wrong sorry} I know I need that but on our insurance plan its so hard last time I tried they assigned me a social worker who really did not help and told me I was "Too anxious ffor EMDR therapy and a challenge, she never phoned me back and that really hurt me and set me back, it was like a medical professional telling me I was too far gone or severe to aid and that was scary, I found a physcologiet but her hours are so booked for many many weeks, I wish I could find and afford a good psyc. Doctor, do they really help? Does anyone know?? I know there is no magic pill, how I wish there were. I so want to get help and get better. Please send prayers and thank you, God bless, Debbie.