Hi Jendays. I had a HORRIBLE time withdrawing from Paxil and had all the symptoms you'Ve just described. I really thought I was losing it, but if you just take a look on the Web, you'll find lots of similar stories. I found that www.quitpaxil.info was very helpful as it describes all the symptoms you can possibly have. On this site here, I know a bunch of us went through this. It lasted a good few months after completely being off the medication for it to get better for me. If you see a doc now, he'll probably tell you that it's your original condition that'S back and that you need to restart your meds... but what you'Re going through is withdrawal and believe me, it can last much, much longer than what docs say. Try the program on this site, it REALLY helps. And hang in there, it's just your body adjusting to life "full-force" without meds, but you can handle it with the right support. CBT has been life-saving for me! Good luck!