Thanks Becky, I get so paranoid about meds as you probably can tell, also my monthly started today and thats never a good day for me, I think I will start breaking up the doses, I either feel wired and panicky or depressed and tired, I wish I could find a medium for this. I guess I have been beating myself up today, I cannot believe I let myself go down so bad so quick, the agorophobia is coming back too, I feel very "old" and weary, like I hope I have it in me to fight this again and win, it was so hard last time Becky. How is your friend, thats wonderful she is feeling so good so fast, I envy her how I wish I could make that kind of fast progress or at least a little quicker, I know its ups to me and meds will not do it all, I feel like I have NOT energy, like you said perhaps that will pass, I am so waiting for the day I wake up and think "I am me again" does that make sense?? How are you doing today, I hope you had a good Saturday, I basically laid around alot which I do not like to do, did you get some headaches with the Paxil too? I sure hope these side effects lessen, I may ask my nurse about Paxil CR maybe that would work better. I hope to hear from you soon when you can post me back. GOd bless, Debbie.