I have an appt to see the female phsycologist today, I am afraid to go afraid not to go, I pray she can help me. I have realized that swallowing a pill is not the whole answer, it helps but must be surplanted with CBT or talk therapy, I feel I have to change my way of thinking, get rid of all these "negative thought patterns" and "what-if" thinking, am I finally "getting it" do you all think, I am trying So hard to come out of my fog and get well, I feel this whole year I have "missed" since Jan because of this constant worry, fear, panic, depression, and health anxiety. My son is sick with my husbands cold now and is home, I am fighting it off, I so do NOT want to get a cold it just compounds the misery and tends to go into broncitis, and I do not want that. PLease wish me luck and say some prayers this Dr can aid me, I am ready to recover I just need help. THanks for listening I will let everyone know how it goes. I have prayed God leads me to the person who can help me. Debbie.