Hi, Sorry to post again I hope I am not being a pest. I have made several phone calls today looking for a therapist or counselor who specializes in anxiety panic and depression, it has not been easy, they are very expensive and far away. I am so fed up with this disorder and so want it to end, when I hear of people who have panic attacks once or twice a week I almost envy them! Isn't that sad, I wish I could have that instead of several times a day. I always heard a combination of medication and therapy is the best, I did see a therapist but when our sessions were over she never phoned me back to renew, that hurt me, but honestly I do not think she understood, she was a social worker, insurance paid for that, but I doubt they will authorize a psyc doctor. Its gotten to the point where my whole life is panic fear and worry, I am barely functioning and I need help but it seems not to be available, I have always heard this disorder is treatable I hope thats true. I pay out-of-pocket for my psych nurse-practioner she is very nice and decent and gives me a big break on the price and has always been there for me, but she has said I need someone to talk with, basically she just prescribes the meds, I have gone downhill since the kidney infection and broncitis, the health anxiety is so high. I hope the Paxil will start working so at least I can "get a floor under me" to begin recovery, the longer it goes on the worse it gets, at least I have reached a point where I am so fed up that I must get better, if for no other reason on earth my son. All you on this site have been very reassuring and help me so much, you have faith in me when I have little in myself, I guess I want someone to say its going to get better and be alright. Please wish me luck and say a little prayer that I am led to the right therapist to help me, I am so ready to put this behind me I want to live again. Thank you, God bless, Debbie.