I went to the ER Sat night and my catscan was normal, why am I still shaking sweating hyperventilating and panicking? I have to go to the eye Doctor later today and I am scared to leave the house, last night I thought I was going blind!! That is how severe this panic is I think I am losing my sight and going to go blind overnight? That can NOT happen can it? Also I have to have an x-ray of my neck tomm, I am so happy and relieved the catscan was normal but I still have this horrible headache and neckache and my vision is blurred which of course is making me panic, I have been having attacks all day, and my head is burning, anxiety cannot do that can it? I am afraid to go to the eye Doctor I am afraid I will faint or lose control, I cannot believe that after the catscan the panic did not go away or at least ease, every day I shake and panic, the medicine seems to of helped the depression but not the anxiety, and I hate to take the Klonopin because its so addictive, will this ever end? I thought for sure after the catscan it would ease, I am so mad at myself and of course my husband is furious. Will this ever go away, I am so discouraged these daily panic attacks are killing me slowly, now I fear blindness!! Please send prayers, thank you for listening, Debbie.