Dear So Tired, Please do not beat yourself up over this, you at this time were not ready to go back to work, someday you will but just not now, I understand about your husband, mine is disapointed in me too because I have had this relaspe, its hard for someone who does not have this disorder to understand, just because you cannot work now does not mean in a few months or more you may, at lease you tried you went out and tried and that IS a victory in itself!! I wish I had the courage to do that at least try, this is not a failure its just been postponed awhile. Do you take meds So tired? you may have said but I forgot, I am taking Paxil and ready to go up on my miligrams soon, I am fighting off a panic now, I drank 2 cups of coffee to get going and now I regret it I think the caffeine hurts me. Please let me know how you are and please remember you tried and that is a win in itself. I will be looking forward to hearing from you, I will pray for you. God bless, Debbie.