Dear Becky, Hi, I hope your day at work is going good. Its Friday and I hope its goes quickly for you. My neck is still a little sore but its the headaches and dizziness that are scaring me to death, my Mother had a brain tumor at my age, it was operated on and she was alright, then 13 years later it grew back and she died in surgery, I never really got over this when she died 6 years ago, I miss her very much she was my best friend. Did you say you got headaches too when your neck was out of whack?? My vision is blurry and I am a little dizzy, I wonder if I need glasses?? I wear reading glasses, I wonder if this could mean bad eyes? I have been hearing "songs in my head" the last few days, I do not know if thats good or bad?! I am still taking the Paxil at 10 miligrams, I am too chicken to go up to 20 because I do not know if its causing these headaches, I notice my legs have been falling asleep alot lately and the little electric shocks around my face are still there. Oh gosh what a mess I am! I do not know if this is anxiety, the medicine, my neck, or something worse. My prayer is to wake up and feel "normal" again that is my prayer for everyone on this site, we have suffered and we deserve it. I am smoking a little more too, like you, I think its calms the nerves. Please write back when you get a chance and let me know how work is going, if you have time, I know you are busy, or later when you get home. God bless, Debbie.