I am hoping this is orginating from my neck and sleeping in a werid position, can a pinched nerve in the neck cause a headache, dizziness and little shocks around your lips and face?? I went to the Doctor yesterday about it, I thought it might be the Paxil, I am not withdrawing I am taking it, I thought it could be a side effect, the Doctor said he never heard of it, and now of course since he found nothing wrong I am scared its a tumor or impending stroke! He looked in my eyes which seemed like a long time, I hope if he sensed something he would tell me, he said I seemed more "stable" than last time, I almost laughed out loud, I am many things, but I do not feel stable is one of them, I do not know if he really thought that or was just trying to make me feel better, panicking, calling the paramedics and thinking you have a stroke or tumor really does not seem stable to me, I wish he could of told me what was wrong now I am more scared, I am going to take the Paxil every OTHER day and see if that helps, I did that in the past and it seemed to work, believe it or not, I hope if something was terribly wrong because of the headaches the Doctor could tell, I hope its just my neck and will go away, can a sore neck cause headaches, dizzy and shocks?? Any help I would be grateful, I did go get medical treatment. Thanks so much, Debbie.