Hey Debbie!
I finally got some computer time from my boys! ;p
I've read your last few posts. I'm sorry you're feeling so terrible! You've had a really rough month haven't you?! My husband has had bronchitis a few times over the years and it's always bad. He always seems to have it for a couple weeks at least. I read that people who smoke will have it more often and will have it worse than people who don't smoke. But, it does go away. It just takes time.
The reason you get so dizzy and see stars when you have a coughing fit is because your brain doesn't get a lot of oxygen when you cough. Having a coughing fit takes awhile, so it's only natural your brain would get less oxygen and result in dizziness and seeing stars. I know that when I get really sick and I blow my nose (when it's really congested), sometimes I have to close my eyes, breath deep and hold on to the wall because I feel like I'm going to pass out. My head buzzes really hard and things start going dark. But, with deep breaths, this always goes away. After a coughing fit, be sure to breath deep so your head gets more oxygen and that feeling clears up faster. It's not a pleasant feeling! But, it will be ok.
I had a major panic attack today for the first time in almost two months. It was horrid! I was at work and I think I must have gotten up too fast or maybe didn't eat enough for breakfast because it was about an hour before lunch, but I got so dizzy! Numb dizzy. Instant panic! I went back to my desk and kept telling myself, it's ok, it's ok, it's ok!! I almost called my husband and went home it was so bad. But, I know that escape won't make it go away so I made myself stay in the situation and kept up the positive talk that I would make it through ok and I ate some bread and started to feel better. I'm glad I stayed. One thing I've learned while fighting this, is that the more I stay in the situation, the stronger I feel inside, which gives me more confidence that I can get through the next one. I know you can get through it, too!!
I'm sorry you're feeling so horrid!! Please get lots of rest and keep taking your meds. Drink tons of water and eat lots of fruits and veggies for the vitamins. It's going to take time, but you will be ok!