I have come down with a terrible cold, I have a hacking cough and my chest and back just ache, I cannot take any cold meds because of the Paxil/Klonopin. I hope its just a cold, I am coughing up mucus, achy and feverish just a mess, my son did not have it like this, it was in the head and not that bad, which I am grateful for at least he was not that sick. I hope its not pnuemonia or lung cancer or TB, I have so much trouble dealing with the panic and depression and the stomach pain and nausea now this! Does anyone when they get sick find their anxiety to go sky-high?? Do they feel like they will never get better? Its one thing after another, the kidney infection was so hard and now this, I just wish I knew it was a cold. PLease send prayers, there seems to be so much wrong with me I am amazed I wake up every morning, I feel like I should be dead with all that is wrong. I am praying very hard. God bless, Debbie.