I have to go to the Doctors here very shortly and I am shaking like a leaf. I have not left the house in 2 weeks and I fear I painted myself into a corner so to speak. I have a very bad cough, I have been up all night hacking and I think I might have hurt a rib and muscles in my chest and back from the coughing, I am afraid to take cough medicine because of the interaction with my Paxil and Klonopin. I am so afraid I want to cancel my appt, I feel dizzy and faint and so scared, and my stomach hurts, this broncitis or whatever it is has increased my panic so much, I took 1/2 Klonopin and it has not even helped, it usually takes the edge off, I do not know what to do, maybe I will get better on my own, I do not want to make a fool of myself in front of this MD. I so want to feel better emotionally and physcial. Please send prayers. Debbie.