Thanks for the birthday wish Lulu. That did kind of scare me about your Uncle, but then again my own shadow scares me these days, what med was he taking? Was he bi-polar? I took Paxil 3 years ago then switched to Zoloft because of some weight gain. I dont feel sucidial I do not think, I am a hypocondriac so I dont think they commit sucide, I was depressed before the Paxil so I am just hoping it has not had a chance to kick in yet, I caught a bad cold from my son so I feel yucky, emotionally AND physical sickness! Then I cough up mucus with a little blood and instead of thinking I coughed hard an broke a membrane in my throat I think TB, lung cancer or other horrible things, my husband says my mind is my worst enemy, he says my mind is doing this to my body, I do not understand how that can be?? I am praying to feel better, get my appetite back and live normally, there are some hours and some days when the "old Debbie" comes back and it feels so good, I just wish I knew the secret of making it last! Write back when you can. God bless, Debbie.