hey...i used to post here as "aries" but anyhow I'm sooo frustrated i dont even know what to do any more. I've been dealing with this so called "anxiety/panic" for almost a year now but it doesnt make sense to me, symptoms: out of it feeling, shacky, tense, headache,(in other words i just dont feel normal or how i used to feel)...but the really frustrating part of all this is that this feeling is constant, like ALL the Time!!! doesnt go away (unless i have a few too many beers)which i hate to do just to mask something wrong....anyway i'm a 26 y/o male and goin to graduate school, great family, good freinds, but everyday to me since this happened is a challenge and i feel like i'm just fighting something in my body all the time....i'm on Paxil after taking zoloft for awhile, i honestly dont think its workin, the side effects are horrible too, withdrawal even worse.....goin to see the doc tommorow, maybe switch meds....anyhow sorry for goin off like this, i just needed to vent...i dont see many guys here, it might be diff. as a guy goin through this...but as i see we r all battling this together.....