Yesterday evening everything seemed to have lifted, the panic and depression, I went shopping, ate well, played and laughed with my child and joked and talked with my husband, I foolishly thought "it" was easing or over, it felt SO very very good to feel 98% normal again like Debbie, and I was so grateful to God and happy. This morning it "all" seemed to return, I woke and began to shake and panic, stomach pain, nausea, etc....then cried because it took so much out of me, I am sure its my husbands new job that is escalating my anxieties, and I am so ashamed of it, I am afraid "new job, new life" and he will leave me behind! Also my little boy is having trouble adjusting to his new school, my panic and anxiety are strong when my life is mundane, it goes crazy when changes happen. I wish I could bottle that feeling I had all night, I cannot begin to tell you how good and free I felt, If I could only figure out how to make it last and not return the next day, I am taking the Paxil, it seems to increase the anxiety and has torn my stomach to shreds, I do not want to give up on it yet. I am praying for relief for myself and all of us, I had a good night last night and felt like Debbie, I am hoping I can feel like that again. GOd bless, Debbie.