Vickers, There is one thing noone could ever accuse you of and that is being stupid, you are very bright and intuitive and have helped so many on this site. I am older than you and I feel the same way, my son does not need bottles diapers or cuddling any longer and I feel like this, I do know our boys probably need us MORE now with high school, girls, etc..... You sound like you have a wonderful husband and that is great he sounds like he understands. Your boys love you and will always need you, your caring and concern shine out with your posts through this site and I think everyone sees that, and your boys do. Happy Birthday VIckers, mine is August 26th and I am kind of dreading it, I wish I could of made you one of my strawberry whip cream cakes, you would love it. I am sorry you cried on your birthday, I wish I could of hugged you. I have been going through a hellish time as you probably have read, I am probably not much help to you through I try, your kids will never stop needing and loving you, in fact that is the one thing that keeps me alive is my son. Happy Birthday and GOd bless you Vickers, Debbie.