Last night I think I had an allergic reaction to the antibotic, about an hour after taking it I was short of breath an broke out in some hives, I called the Doctor who gave them to me his medical tech called back and told me to take the last dose today at noon, that it was probably not a reaction, my mother-in-law called posion control for me and they told her that is probably was that a reaction can happen anytime during treatment not just after the first dose, I never talked to the Doctor, just some medical tech who apparently gave me dangerous wrong advice. It was my last dose and I happy to be done with it, I was afraid not to take the last pill because the infection could come back so I am done with the antibotics. I cannot stop shaking, I had a hour panic attack so bad I could not breathe, my son won tickets to a concert tonight and my husband and him are going which will mean I will be alone all night till after midnight, I feel so bad, I have waves of panic, then complete exhaustion, then panic again, I cant even recover from the first one. I am bleeding bad from my monthly and my foot is hurting bad and its hard to walk on, I do not want to be alone tonight, but I cannot and will not ruin this for my son, he is so looking forward to it, I want to take a 1/2 Klonopin but I am afraid if I need Benadryal later it will interact, I am a big pathetic mess. It has been 3 hours with no hives has the danger time past yet since taking the dose? I am itching I dont know what is real and what is imagined, I want to sleep but I am afraid I will not wake up if my throat closes up from the antibotics, I am so glad the antibotics are over, if only the DOctor would of called, I now have conflicting advice from the med tech and then posion control, I want to call the paramedics but my husband has forbade me not too, he does not want to be embarrssed anymore, I better not one more false alarm and I am afraid he will leave with my son and my son is the only thing keeping me going. God I just want this hell to stop, this is the worse I have been in awhile, I cannot stop shaking, my family is going to call me tonight to check on me but they are 1500 miles away, I almost want to go to the hospital and stay there till my son and husband come back, I cannot ruin this for my s